

2019-10-17 来源:网络 整理:游戏232(


在我看来她不仅是一个游戏,而是一个故事,一部电影。——赏金库珀 最低系统配置:PII266 / 64Mb 内存/ 4XCDROM/无需3D加速卡
游戏介绍:《赏金奇兵:西部通缉令》以19世纪中叶的美国西部为游戏背景,描述了以约翰·库珀为首的6名赏金牛仔为证明自己的清白不惜面对匪徒团伙重重陷阱,纵横西部的惊险之旅。玩家将操控John Cooper和其他5位身怀绝技的西部镖客,这6人中,既有快枪手、炸弹专家、医生,又有迷人的职业女牌手和带着宠物小猴的中国女孩。游戏采用了与《盟军敢死队》相同的“实时战术系统,并将数十种美国西部独有的战斗方式与游戏完美的融合在一起。
- 高解析度的背景画面,从640×480到1024×768的解析度,3种缩放程度,华丽的声光特效。
- 3D环绕立体声效,支持多种声音系统和音效格式。 英文名称:Desperados 2:Cooper's revenge
游戏类型: 即时战术RTS
操作系统: Windows 2K/XP/Win7
CPU: 2.0 GHz Processor
内存: 512 MB
硬盘空间: 4 GB 剩余空间
显卡: 128 MB 显存,DirectX™9兼容
游戏介绍:是《赏金奇兵》的续作,游戏承袭前作玩法,设计公司 Spellbound 在本作中将策略要素、第三人称视角玩法和 3D 荒漠西部结合在一起,游戏中的枪战决斗都彷佛直接发生在玩家面前,呈现别具一番的风格。本作没有了前作英雄中国姑娘杨米雅,但新增的英雄-白狼部落的酋长“鹰眼”,每个英雄都有 4 种独特的战斗行动,可以将之升级强化,也可自行定义5 种行动,体验更完全的战术操控性。
宽广的西部荒野时隔5年又一次来到了玩家的面前。而透过各式精心设计场景,玩家可以在游戏中看到印地安人村落、尘土飞扬的峡谷、堡垒、运货马车商队以及狂野西部城镇,在充满大西部牛仔情调的环境中,测试自己的能耐,展开曲折离奇的冒险。本作提供了双重 3D 视野,包含可自由选转、缩放的等比鸟瞰视野,以及新增的第 3人称视野枪战视野。不同的关卡难度以及崭新的人工智能,玩家将面对更具策略性的敌人,而与盟友之间也将有更多互动。 英文名称:Helldorado
游戏类型: 即时战术RTS
CPU :Intel2.0 GHZ Intel或AMD处理器 2.5 GHZ
内存容量: 512MB 以上 768 MB (Windows XP) 1024 MB (Windows Vista)
显卡: 128 MB RAM 且 兼容DirectX™9 256 MB RAM 且 兼容DirectX™9
操作系统:Windows XP/Vista DirectX版本 DirectX9.0C版本
硬盘空间:1.8GB 以上
声卡:支持Direct Sound的声卡


应该不会再出三了 因为赏金奇兵在2的时候 结局已经比较完整了 如果再出3的话 就不会有太新的内容了 如果真的要出的话 至少也要5年

单机游戏 赏金奇兵3哪里能下载 中文的 有没有?!

UC九游游戏里面,一搜一大堆。强烈推荐。 不懂问我,望采纳。


In 1912, 13-year-old Indiana Jones is horseback riding with his Boy Scout troop in Utah. He discovers robbers in a cave who find an ornamental cross which belonged to Coronado and steals the cross from them. As they give chase, Indiana hides in a circus train. Although he escapes, the robbers bring the sheriff, and Indiana is forced to return it. Meanwhile, his oblivious father, Henry Jones, Sr., is working on his research into the Holy Grail, keeping meticulous notes in a diary. The leader of the hired robbers, dressed very similarly to the future Indiana and impressed by the young Indiana's tenacity, gives him his fedora and some encouraging words.
In 1938, after recovering the cross and donating it to Marcus Brody's museum, Indiana is introduced to Walter Donovan, who informs him that Indiana's estranged father has vanished while searching for the Holy Grail, using an incomplete inscription as his guide. Indiana then receives a package by post which turns out to be his father's Grail diary, containing his father's research. Understanding that his father would not have sent the diary unless he was in trouble, Indiana and Marcus travel to Venice, where they meet Henry's colleague, Dr. Elsa Schneider. Beneath the library where Henry was last seen, Indiana and Elsa discover catacombs and the tomb of a knight of the First Crusade, which also contains a complete version of the inscription that Henry had used, this one revealing the location of the Grail. They flee when the catacombs are set aflame by The Brotherhood of the Cruciform Sword, a secret society. Indiana and Elsa are pursued and escape on a speedboat, and a chase through Venice ensues in which they capture the secret society's leader, Kazim. After Indiana convinces him of their legitimate intentions, Kazim explains that The Brotherhood are protecting the Grail from those with evil intentions, and that Henry was abducted to Brunwald Castle on the Austrian-German border.
Indiana infiltrates the castle and finds his father, but learns that Elsa and Donovan are working with the Nazis, hoping that Indiana would discover the location of the Grail for them. The Nazis capture Marcus, who had traveled to Hatay, Turkey with a map that Henry had drawn to show the route to the Grail's hiding place. The Joneses are able to escape and recover the diary from Elsa at a Nazi rally in Berlin while barely escaping possible arrest by Adolf Hitler. On a Zeppelin and later a plane they escape from Germany. They then meet Sallah in Hatay, where they learn of Marcus' abduction and that the Nazis are already moving to the Grail's location. With the help of The Brotherhood, the Joneses ambush the Nazi convoy and rescue Marcus. Donovan and Elsa continue on to the Canyon of the Crescent Moon, the location of the Grail.
Indiana, Henry, Marcus, and Sallah catch up and find that the Nazis are unable to pass through traps set before the Grail. After the four are discovered, Donovan shoots Henry, mortally wounding him, and thus forces Indiana ("The healing power of the grail is the only thing that can save your father now") to circumvent the traps by using the information in his father's diary, with Donovan and Elsa following. Indiana succeeds and finds himself in a room with the last Knight, kept alive with the power of the Grail, which has been hidden among dozens of other cups. Elsa selects a gilded cup encrusted in jewels for Donovan; when Donovan drinks from it, he rapidly decays and crumbles into dust. Indiana, recognizing that the Grail would be that of a humble carpenter instead of a wealthy king, selects the plainest-looking cup in the group, which turns out to be the correct vessel. He fills it with water and quickly takes it to his father, pouring the holy water onto his chest and giving it to him to drink, which instantly heals his gunshot wound. As they prepare to leave, the Knight warns them to not take the Grail past the great seal in the temple's floor, but Elsa disobeys, causing the temple to collapse. Elsa falls to her death into an abyss while attempting to recover the Grail; Indiana nearly suffers the same fate until his father tells him to let it go. The Joneses, Marcus, and Sallah narrowly escape the collapsing temple, while the Knight watches them with his mission accomplished. The four then ride out of the canyon, and into the sunset.

